Happy new year everybody! How you doin'? Finals week has me beat, euff!
Today I went to a bookstore and I found this neat copy of The Holy Bible. Heard about it before, somewhere, so I gave it a superficial demo read.
Flipped through some pages... pretty daunting stuff. Whoever wrote some of these stories clearly wasn't in a good headspace at the time. But there were at least some good things to pull from it, like, all those messages about being kind, keeping to yourself, trying to make your environment better for all who you share it with...
The writing is a little archaic at times and I'm a very scatterbrained reader. That and the story being told at break-neck speed really didn't help. It was hard to read through but I think I enjoyed it.
I give The Holy Bible four tetragrammatons out of five pentacles - really decent stuff, do reccomend!
Leave a comment below if you have another book you want me to read!
review the quran