Zari and Oscar my beloveds
Zari and Oscar my beloveds
staring Charleston and Pee
Despite being proud of showing her friends her cool blunt smoking skills, Kumatora knows they won't bring Claus back.
90% water
9% pokormon
1% brain
What about when they don't do jack shit for 6 months and when they post something it's a "lol life bad, me lazy" meme
Daisoujou my beloved
I love having him around on my nocturne playthroughs, easily the best party member
Strong winds, huh?
Ooh boy, guess I have something to do...
The real Tyro would never do such a thing
Tyro would and he wouldn't regret it at all
Figurine painting... ah, if only I had the time and money...
Fledgeling sorcerer with a penchant for conceptualization, sharing sketch dumps and horrible stoner thoughts on the art forum.
Little guys by @whimsical-wife
Age 20, He/Him/They ♐︎
Joined on 6/26/21